Dennis Kinch, who is walking the length of Route 66 for the National Pain Foundation, was recently interviewed by a Fox television affiliate in St. Louis. To view the three-minute Windows Media Player video clip, go to this site and click on the “Dennis on the St. Louis News” link.
hey, I’m the walker, Dennis Kinch to let you all know that
I made it
July, 14 2006!
I want to thank all of you excellent people along 66 for your support, friendship, and kindness. the best folks in the country!
Can’t wait to see everyone again next summer when i tour the
“Victory Lap” by car. i’m at THANKS AGAIN!!
Dennis P. KInch -walkee
Thanks for the message. We’ll be looking forward to your return trip on Route 66 next year.
At least it will be more relaxing. 😉
Dennis KInch has a website now.
Dennis, Thanks for the call to give us your new info. So glad to hear that your book is 10 chapters along and you have speaking engagements lining up to share your encouragement and hope with many more chronic pain sufferers. Your visit at Washington University Pain Center last year was a blessing both to myself and my husband and I am continuing to good fight for living for a better quality of life in every day – passing up my pain for that which brings me joy and fulfillment. It blesses me to know that you would like for me to share my success story which will help others to find the way to their own success. Please let me know what I can do to help. I believe that you have a copy of my story which I wrote about the time of the end of your walk to California, but there are additions to be made and I would want to provide the written copy. You may email me at Please add my link to your website Dennis and I will do the same from mine to yours. God bless you in all you are doing for your own health and for others! Beverly and Russ Kruse
Hello everyone,
I am just dropping in to give an update if anyone is still listening.
So, I am Dennis’ daughter Kayla.
Dennis is not doing so well, and he needs anyone and everyone’s help. No one has followed through in helping him with his book or post walk engagements. The ball has been dropped basically. He is currently jobless and struggling to stay in his home. He is too sick to do much now but his spirit hasn’t lost a bit of its flame. I would like to let everyone know that if you would like to do anything to help him, or even just say hi and let him know you remember him, please email me at I will relay the message to him. Thank you all.
Jeremy Brooks…. Im am one of dennis daughters SHANA’s boyfreind.Dennis is a amazing person.HE gives hope to other people.He is also a great artist.i am going to help dennis get his story heard.