Steve Vaught of is returning to the road after a brief trip back in San Diego to visit with family and suffering a setback from nasty case of poison oak. His latest journal entry is here (scroll down to the Nov. 12 entry).
He also gave another shout-out to the folks in the Route 66 town of Chandler, Okla.
I wanted to make sure to mention Chandler, Oklahoma, again because they were very kind there and I had a great time meeting a lot of the locals. The waitresses at B’s Café even gave me a card. That really caught me off-guard. I don’t know why, though, because they are like that here in Oklahoma.
He says it will be has last post until after Tuesday. I suspect he’ll be strolling through my stomping grounds of Tulsa in the meantime.
hey steve thanks for the mention cant wait till you pass our way again we look forward to serving you and yours again Godspeed and God bless you on your travels the gang at B’S