Alton Brown loses appetite for Route 66

Alton Brown a few months ago said he was going to a shoot a new Food Network series, “Feasting on Asphalt,” about roadfood on Route 66.

However, Jen at Very Big Blog reports that Brown is passing on the Mother Road for another old highway.

… He said when we saw him talk that he’s doing a new show (#3 for those paying attention) about road food. He said when we saw him they originally were gonna do Route 66, but so much of it was so commercialized and just plain nonexistent now that they went back and re-charted to look for a more quiet, pokey, All-American, meandering, inter-state rural road and I think ended up with Route 50 instead.

Ordinarily, I take reports from blogs with a grain of salt. But celebrity Q&A columnist Lorrie Lynch of USA Weekend magazine is reporting it, too.

What’s the inside scoop on the Food Network’s Alton Brown?
Christine MacNamara, Turnersville, N.J.

Brown, 43, the charming host of “Good Eats,” soon will begin a new show, “Feasting on Asphalt,” about his coast-to-coast trip along Highway 50, and a new “gigantic” “Good Eats” book.

It’s Brown’s loss. Especially if he never gets to sample the hagersnutzak and spaeztle or the oatmeal pie at the Rock Cafe.

One thought on “Alton Brown loses appetite for Route 66

  1. I’m not sure what part of “85 percent of the road is still driveable today” translates to “just plain nonexistent.” Sounds like Brown got lost and wound up out there by the interstate on-ramp. Poor dear … he should have invested a few bucks in a set of HERE IT IS maps.

    Ah, well. Highway 50 can keep Alton Brown, ‘cos 66 has Paul Freakin’ Newman.

    Yow. Za.

    We don’t need no stinkin’ Food Network.

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