Fat Man ready for his close-up, despite illness

Steve Vaught of thefatmanwalking.com had the misfortune of getting sick just before his interview Wednesday on NBC’s “Today Show” and “Dateline.” You can read the gory details here on the Jan. 18 entry in his journal.

But I just watched the “Today Show” video, and he seemed calm and thoughtful while talking live from Terre Haute, Ind., to “Today” host Katie Couric. His illness wasn’t apparent.

You can watch the video here. Go to the “More Today Show Video” segment near the top of the page. It’s the seventh of 18 segments archived. (Note: Playing the video requires Internet Explorer.) The video is nearly six minutes long.

The video also contains early footage from when Vaught was over 400 pounds. He’s lost nearly 90 pounds so far. Even though he has plenty of weight left to lose, his physical improvement is apparent.

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