Route 66 driving team gives check to charity

The British team that drove two 1972 Mk1 Ford Escorts across America, including Route 66, in as a fund-raiser in September presented a check for their efforts — 6450 pounds ($11,231 U.S.) to the Motor Neurone Disease Association, according to The Comet, a British newspaper.

After shipping their cars to the US, the intrepid trio drove from Baltimore on the east coast, through New York City, up to Niagara Falls and then west along Route 66 to St Louis, Tulsa, Amarillo, Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon.The last section of the journey saw them driving through Death Valley, California, in temperatures of well over 100 degrees F, up to San Francisco and then back down to Los Angeles.

They went through 13 states on the drive of over 5,600 miles which took nearly three weeks to complete. The cars were then shipped back to the UK via the Panama Canal.

The money raised by the adventure will be used to buy much needed equipment and services for local people suffering from motor neurone disease, a steadily progressive neurological disease which affects the nerves of the body.

More details from the trip can be seen on the group’s Web site.

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