A while back, we reported on an alleged Bigfoot sighting near the Route 66 settlement of Funks Grove, Ill.
It appears that the Chicago Reader, the Windy City's biggest alternative newspaper, has picked up on the story and has found a father and son who claim a Sasquatch sighting.
Here's an excerpt from when the Reader's reporter talked to Debbie Funk at Funks Grove Maple Sirup (well worth a visit, even without a Bigfoot sighting):
Debby Funk, who’s lived in the area for 31 years and operates the maple syrup business with her husband, Mike, a fifth-generation Funk, says if there’s a creature out there, it’s never caused them any trouble. “We’ve never seen anything here,” she says. “The only problem we’ve had is squirrels chewing on our tubing.” Marlene Leesman has been a clerk at the Dixie Truck Stop in McLean, about five miles south of Funk’s Grove, since 1960. “People are skeptical,” she says. “I’ve never heard of anything like this, and I’ve lived here all my life.” One family stuck a sign in their front yard that reads, HEY LOOK! GENUINE SASQUATCH DROPPINGS. $3 EACH, 2 FOR $5.
Sounds like the folks that are selling Sasquatch droppings are the same type who'd sell smart pills and porcupine eggs to city slickers. 😉
Hat tip to Tim Steil.