This Roanoke Times article should give Route 66 businesses some reassurance this summer: Despite gasoline being 75 cents a gallon higher than a year ago, travelers are still hitting the road.
The AAA Mid-Atlantic office in Richmond estimates a slight increase in travel this weekend, with roughly 31.4 million motorists taking to the roads …
So while Fetters maps out his Western adventures, other residents are looking for ways to avoid high prices for gas, lodging and car rental, while beating the traffic and enjoying the summer heat.
Although estimated travel will be up less than 1 percent for this Memorial Day holiday — significantly lower than the 2 percent to 3 percent increase usually expected — Americans still plan to take their time off, according to Martha Mitchell, spokeswoman for AAA Mid-Atlantic.
The article goes on to explain how travelers save a few bucks here and there to cover the higher prices at the pump. Those with vintage motels on Route 66 should be heartened by this advice:
Fetters suggests saving by staying in motels that don't offer the amenities that go with higher room rates.
"The average person doesn't need all that stuff."