Sarah Overstreet of the Springfield News-Leader shares her memories of the now-defunct Red's Giant Hamburg, which was along old Route 66 in Springfield, Mo. Her writing paints a vivid picture of what the place was like in its heyday.
Julia Chaney, former co-owner fo the restaurant, died a little over a week ago. The other co-owner, Red Chaney, died in 1997.
i’m doing a project on red’s giant hamburgs… its due tomorrow… and i’m trying to find a timeline type thing for it..i’m having trouble..
Sorry, Sara, I don’t have specific enough information to help you.
I am the great niece of Julia and Sheldon Chaney. My mother and her two sisters spent quite a lot of time with Aunt Julia / Uncle Sheldon, as they didn’t have any kids. They might be able to help.
who is red cheney and his wife and can i find a picture some where please because im doing some research
You can find one in a copy of the book “Route 66 and Its People.”
Wow, this is so amazing. I’m doing a project about the restaurant too. Does anyone know how they came up with the idea of the drive through. What was the story behind it? And do you know where I could find more pictures?