County includes Route 66 in greenways plan

Logan County, Ill., has formulated a plan to enhance greenways and open space, reports the Bloomington Pantagraph.

The plan doesn’t want wholesale changes to Route 66. It just wants to improve what’s there and make it more tourist-friendly, like the Route 66 Bike Trail.
Atlanta, Ill., Mayor Bill Martin said:

“This is not going to happen overnight, but there are already some places out there, like parks and the Route 66 bike trail, where we can build on them and make them better. It’s been a long time coming, but we are very pleased with the initial documents. This is just the beginning.”

There will be a series of public hearings to talk about the plan.

The plan can be viewed here in a series of Acrobat files. Click on the “Greenways Plan” link on the left column, and it will take you to directly to it.

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