Standin’ Near a Corner Festival

The Arizona Reporter has details about about the Standin’ on a Corner Festival in Winslow, Ariz., next month.

Unless you’ve not been near a radio in the past 30 years, the festival refers to the Eagles‘ hit, “Take It Easy,” in which the boys sing: “Well, I was standin’ on a corner in Winslow, Arizona, such a fine sight to see, it’s a girl, my Lord, in a flatbed Ford slowin’ down to take a look at me.” The song was written by Jackson Browne (his Web site, by the way, has an excerpt of a solo acoustic performance of the song).

The irony is that you won’t be able to stand near this corner for a while. A fire in 2004 destroyed an adjacent building, and the wall onto which a big mural was painted was deemed unstable. So the famed corner, including a statue, is fenced off from the public for safety reasons. Festival organizers want to have the park back open to the public, but prospects of this are uncertain.

3 thoughts on “Standin’ Near a Corner Festival

  1. Are you sure the corner is fenced off from the public?
    Because on my trip on Route 66 done in July, my mate have taken a picture of me beside the statue in front of the mural.

    Route 66 roadie

  2. Yes, it’s still fenced. The city took down the fence temporarily in July, but put it back up again when during clean-up of the burned-out building.

    Your timing just happened to be excellent.

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