Alan McNeil, the man who’s trying to rehabilitate the long-neglected Triangle Motel on Route 66 in Amarillo, Texas, wants to repair the roof on the motel complex but lacks the necessary credit history to obtain a loan.
His mother Marianne, who set up the Triangle Motel Web site, made this plea:
We were warned that most historical agencies offer only no-profit grants, but the Triangle Motel is such an important historical site in this area, and could make such a difference to the eastern end of Amarillo Blvd E. It is coming so close to being lost. If we can get a grant for the roof, it will save the project. Alan has no credit history; he’s doesn’t buy things on credit. We never realized how hard that would make it to find financial backing. If you can recommend someone who might help, we would appreciate it so much.
Contact us at Email, or call 806-676-7627 or 374-4534 and we will get in touch with them.
A good candidate may be, which is like an eBay for loans. It’s been getting raves. Or, if you know someone in the Route 66 community who might like to help out Alan and loan him some money at a decent rate, give him a call.
Ron, no offers yet, but we’re still hoping. We appreciate your help.
Margaret Foster at the National Trust in Washington, D.C. wrote a good article about the Triangle, didn’t she?
New Route 66 workday coming up Sept 30. We’ll furnish the lunch for this one. Let us know if you’re planning on coming so we can have a head count.
Hope to see you.
Alan, Pat and Marianne