It’s Oprah’s world

Atlanta Journal-Constitution television critic Jill Vejnoska has an irreverent take on Oprah Winfrey‘s big summer road trip, which will be unspooling on Oprah’s show over the next few weeks.

Here’s an excerpt:

She promised to give the car to somebody when they’ve finished showing us this whole “Big Adventure” thing, which, presumably will be many, many ratings-swollen weeks from now. But the studio audience did get a consolation prize: Homemade root beer shipped in direct from Mr. D’z Route 66 Diner in Kingman, Arizona, where the duo had stopped on Day 2. I know what you’re thinking: What if they have to pay taxes on it, like the “Oprah” audience that all got cars a few seasons ago? Here’s what I’m thinking: How much can a root beer possibly cost in Kingman, Arizona?

As for me, I’m not as willing to poke fun at the divine Ms. O. Because of one measly little visit to Mr. D’z, Route 66 News experienced a traffic jump of the likes not seen since the opening week of the “Cars” movie.

Oprah is mighty. Do not taunt mighty Oprah. 😉

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