The latest issue of Route 66 Magazine is out, and it contains these articles for your reading pleasure:
- The cover story is the history of the rise and fall and rise again of Cool Springs Camp, on Oatman Road between Oatman and Kingman. It includes comtemporary and vintage photos, including one in which the camp was “rebuilt” so it could be blown up for a scene in the movie “Universal Soldier.”
- There’s also a feature with lots of photos about the Pacific Atlantic Cycling Tour of Route 66 that went from Santa Monica to Chicago in 29 days. Jim Bradbury, one of the tour’s participants, wrote it.
- A story about Camp Cajon on Cajon Pass north of San Bernardino, Calif. Its owner was Bill Bristol, who built it in 1919 as a rest stop before the arduous trip downhill (or as a breather for those who made it up to the pass).
- Plenty of book and video reviews.
Route 66 Magazine can be found at newsstands in Borders and Barnes & Noble. You can also go to its Web site and subscribe.
I’ve been trying tosubscribe to yout mgazine on your web site but when in final checkout, I attempt to read “terms of use” at URL, and get error message “The Page cannot be found”. I also cannot contact you via your web site as clicking on this feature does not present me with a button to click on to generate an email.
I can’t help you with Route 66 Magazine, Tom. You’ll have to contact them yourself.