Pimp your Model T

Road warrior Tim Steil sent me an e-mail with a similar title, so I’m giving him the credit for the name of this post.

He sent a link to an entry on Bobby Green’s Automotive Addictions and General Tomfoolery blog that shows accessory turn signals for cars of the 1920s and ’30s.

There are a lot more of these accessories than you might think. My favorite is the skull-shaped light with the word “Stop” where the teeth would be. Cool-looking, but I think it’d look out of place on my state-of-the-art Honda.

There also is an “Okay Pass” light and turn signals in all shapes and sizes.

The blog also shows alternative uses for belly tanks and an old ad for Bardahl additive to avoid those scary sticky valves.

Even if you’re not a gearhead, it’s fascinating to root around Green’s blog.

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