Sheriff on patrol

Randy Chevrier, owner of Paintmaster Collision and a prominent member of the Route 66 Business League of Tulsa, sent me this photo of Michael Wallis driving riding along in what looks like an old patrol cruiser in this past weekend’s PSO Christmas Parade of Lights in downtown Tulsa.

Wallis portrays the Sheriff of Radiator Springs in the movie “Cars” and was a technical adviser to the film.

4 thoughts on “Sheriff on patrol

  1. correction:
    Bob Burch, the car owner is driving.
    The Sheriff/ Michael Wallis is riding shotgun.
    Suzanne Wallis is the figure in red in back seat.

    We also rode as parade marshalls Friday night in
    Sand Springs.

    In both parades we were as popular as Santa.

    Great events!

  2. My wife works for Dowtown Tulsa Unlimited….back in October we were lucky enough to run into Bob Burch and his 1949 Mercury at a local car show. My wife had been looking for a car like this for Michael Wallis to ride in during the PSO Parade of Lights. Bob was so nice to let his car be turned into the Sheriff cruiser from the movie “Cars”. He came up with the idea to add the eyes to the windshield which totally set it off!!! Many thanks to Bob Burch, Michael Wallis and Suzanne Wallis for being so nice and attending the parade.

  3. Ruth and Bob Burch are outstanding citizens in Tulsa and all heart. They are some of my favorite cuzzies.
    This car is similar to the one my husband drove from Pennsylvania to Indiana and back. He said the photo brought back memories.
    My, how quickly “new” cars become classics.

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