Before a big football game, it’s common for the governors of the teams’ respective states to make a friendly wager.
It’s not a serious thing, but serves more as a small publicity boost for companies and products in each state. For instance, if a team from Wisconsin is involved, it’s certain the wager will involve cheese and/or some sort of local beer.
On Sunday, the Seattle Seahawks play the Chicago Bears in the NFC playoffs. As par of her wager, Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire has offered smoked salmon and the state’s famous apples, according to the Associated Press.
Here’s what Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich wagered:
Blagojevich countered with an offer of a Du Quoin state fair favorite, 17th Street barbecue, and Cozy Dogs, an Illinois tradition from Route 66.
The Cozy Dogs, which are corn dogs, come from the Cozy Dog Drive-In on Route 66 in Springfield. Its founder is reputed to have invented the corn dog. I’m not a big connoisseur of corn dogs, but the Cozy Dog’s product is superb. I’ll vouch for the restaurant’s cheeseburgers and fries, too.
The 17th Street Barbecue has several locations, but the “home office” is in Murphysboro. It’s not on Route 66, but it’s in my top five for best barbecue joints. And I’ve been to a lot of ’em.
If nothing else, give Blagojevich credit for good taste.