Drive-through window

The Painted Desert Trading Company along Route 66 in Flagstaff, Ariz., was damaged when a vehicle spun out of control during a traffic accident and went through the front window of the business, according to the Arizona Daily Sun.

The link to the article has a photo of the damage.

No injuries were reported, and no damage estimate was available. The driver who allegedly caused the accident was ticketed for driving on a suspended license and running a red light.

One thought on “Drive-through window

  1. An upcoming book about the Route 66 television series has been published by the Autumn Road Company and will be carried by many of the Route 66 souvenir and musuem gift shops this spring.
    The website for the book is: and lists where the book can be purchased. ROUTE 66: THE TELEVISION SERIES 1960-1964 by James Rosin, a former writer on the QUINCY TV series, looks back at the unique series with commentary from the series stars, producers and directors, photographs, episode summaries and biographies. The book will retail for $19.95.

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