Moriarty takes a shot at beautification

Here’s another Route 66 town in addition to the previously mentioned Victorville, Calif., that’s trying to spruce itself up — Moriarty, N.M., east of Albuquerque.
A firm presented a master plan to the Moriarty City Council, reported the Mountain View Telegraph.

“The big idea behind it is looking at ways to use landscaping and public improvements to help with the identity of the community (and) to make it attractive,” she said. […]

For Moriarty, Taylor said she wanted to enhance existing landscape while honoring the city’s agricultural and ranching history as well as the history of Route 66. […]

The plan calls for the city to dress up entrances into Moriarty, place a swath of landscaping along the southern boundary of I-40 to improve the appearance and work with private landowners and businesses along Old Route 66 to install landscaping to make the town more attractive.

One thought on “Moriarty takes a shot at beautification

  1. >> work with private landowners and businesses along Old Route 66 to install landscaping to make the town more attractive.

    What a concept! I wish Tulsa had some city leaders who were willing to spend a little time encouraging private sector improvements. All they seem to want to do is throw money into new big “icons”.

    Go Moriarty! Go Victorville!

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