I received an e-mail from Phil Yeh, creator of the newly published “Dinosaurs Across Route 66” comic book. It looks like he’s doing more than just publishing a salute to the Mother Road. Yeh said:
I am planning to cover much of old Route 66 from January to April in 2008 and would love to paint a mural and do some events in Tulsa as well. I have already sent off a packet of material about our work to the librarian in Oklahoma City. Will Rogers is one of my heroes and he is featured in the book as well as Woody Guthrie (another great hero of mine) — I am very very interested in coming back to Oklahoma in March as I head up to Chicago, the city of my birth.
If you can mention that we speak in schools, libraries, and community centers to people from 5 to 105 — that would be wonderful. I also paint murals on buses, trucks, bookmobiles, billboards, etc and portable sheets of foamcore in public spaces all over the world and we very much would love to come back to Oklahoma in ’08 and do some more murals.
Yeh’s Web site is here. If you want Yeh to come to your library along Route 66 this spring, contact information is here.
I’ll have more about his comic book when I get it.