Historic Commerce filling station opens

Allen’s Fillin’ Station, in an cottage-style gas station located on old Route 66 near downtown Commerce, Okla., opened a few weeks ago, reports the Joplin (Mo.) Globe.

An old adding machine sits on the glass-cased counter, and a shelf holds a 1950 edition of Chilton’s Flat Rate manual. A 1940s-era soda-pop box sits in one corner in front of an old Seven-Up ice chest. The front counter also holds stacks of ticket books that were used at the now-defunct Buffalo Ranch attraction near Afton. Old salt-and-pepper shakers, ash trays and plates also line shelves. Many of those items are for sale, along with T-shirts.

Other period pieces include a Champion spark plug service cleaner and an old-time lube machine.

Bobby and Linda Allen of nearby Peoria, Okla., had planned to renovate the station, which dates to the late 1920s, by spring. But a big tornado that killed several people in nearby Picher, Okla., delayed that.

The station started as a Conoco, then became a Phillips 66 station during the late 1930s.

UPDATE: The Daily Oklahoman also has a story about the opening of Allen’s Fillin’ Station.

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