Rancho Cucamonga station may be designated a landmark

The abandoned Cucamonga Service Station on Route 66 in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., may be designated by the city as a historic landmark, reports the Contra Costa Times.

The Planning Commission made the recommendation, and the City Council must approve the landmark status.

Such designation would require the Mission-styled station have an extra layer of approval process before the property can be developed. If the station is granted landmark status by the City Council, the property owner would have to apply for a landmark alteration permit before the station can be demolished or developed, said Planning Director James Troyer.

The station, believed to be built between 1910 to 1915 by Henry Klusman, was a key pit stop during the heyday of Route 66. It is the only example of roadside architecture from that era still standing in the city. The Pearson Filling Station & Garage on Foothill and Etiwanda Avenue was demolished in the 1990s.

The landmark status would provide protection a lot El Vado Motel in Albuquerque received. A photo of the station can be seen here.

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