Season 3 of “Route 66” coming in November reports that the complete Season 3 of the original “Route 66” television series will be released in an eight-DVD set on Nov. 10 with a $49.95 suggested retail price.

According to the report, however, Critics Choice Video might exclusively release the entire set as early as late June.

The release of “Route 66 — Season 3, Volume 1” was slated for July 21 and “Route 66 — Season 3, Volume 2” on Aug. 25.

2 thoughts on “Season 3 of “Route 66” coming in November

  1. Maybe vol. 3 will have at least ONE episode filmed on 66!
    The second season did not, although Hollywood, Los Angeles and Southern California were listed for one episode each.

    Not complaining, you understand! I enjoy many of the episodes.

    In other words … “I’m not saying, I’m just saying….”. 😉

    1. I can think of maybe three episodes in which “Route 66” took place in a Route 66 town (Needles, Calf., was one). So the dearth of Route 66 locales in the DVD sets shouldn’t be surprising. And, frankly, the title “Route 66” was more of a metaphor for America than a literal description of the series.

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