The Joplin Globe has a nice article and photo slide show about the historic 66 Drive-In theater in Carthage, Mo. Check it out.
The story contains a notable quote from a local historian:
“It (Route 66) reminds us of an era that’s passed us by,” said Brad Belk, director of the Joplin Museum Complex. “It went through Main Street. You couldn’t help but digest the landscape and get a real feel for the region you were in. You got that personal touch on Route 66 that I think is missing from the interstate today.”
I live in the same town that also has a drive-in theater off Route 66 — the Admiral Twin — and we feel very lucky to have it. I know of fewer than a half-dozen drive-ins still operating on the Mother Road.
Cuba, MO (Route 66 Mural City) still has the Hwy. 19 Drive-in, just a few blocks from Route 66. They show first-run movies that are out in the theaters. On summer nights there is still a line waiting to get in. I wish this one was on Route 66.