For the first time, Arizona will provide the big Christmas tree that graces the nation’s Capitol in Washington, D.C., reports the Williams-Grand Canyon News. That tree will be transported through the Route 66 town of Williams before heading to the Beltway.
The Capitol Christmas tree will pass through Williams at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday and be in town for one hour accompanied by Secret Service agents.
Sue Atkinson, events coordinator for the Williams-Grand Canyon Chamber of Commerce, encourages residents to dress in their favorite winter outfit and gather at the corner of Route 66 and Second.
“We’re totally excited for this once in a lifetime opportunity for the tree to come through Williams,” she said. “The flatbed truck that it’s going to be on is 108 feet long. We’re going to be giving away candy canes and hot chocolate and we’ll sing some Christmas carols. The Cataract Creek Gang is going to do a skit. Santa is going to come in and save the day.”
It sort of cracks me up that a tree is getting Secret Service protection. I guess agents are fearing an attack from Paul Bunyon.
The tree being used is an 85-foot-tall blue spruce that was cut down in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in northeastern Arizona. The tree will be presented to the U.S. Congress on Nov. 30, and will be decorated with 5,000 handcrafted ornaments.
The Capitol Christmas Tree has a spiffy Web site here.
I’ll be able to see the tree here in DC and will pay extra attention knowing it came down Route 66 this year.
Hey … there are a lot of Bunyans on this road. Caution is warranted. 😉