Tucked away in a story posted today by the Williams-Grand Canyon News about the Williams, Ariz., city council was this little item:
Council members also discussed whether to change the name of Mountain Man Trail to Route 66, or “Old Route 66,” during the Jan. 14 meeting, but decided to table the matter for discussion at a work session held Jan. 19.
Mountain Man Trail is a dirt and gravel road east of Williams that indeed was Route 66 and the National Old Trails Highway until about 1931. A map can be seen here. That alignment is more obscure because it essentially dead-ends at Interstate 40.
Since the traditional alignment of Route 66 in Williams is so well-marked, I had assumed that the town had already named one of the streets there after the Mother Road. However, the two main drags that were 66 are Grand Canyon Avenue and East Railroad Avenue.
While I am not a local, I have a little initial concern over this. As a traveler trying to find and stay on Route 66, it would seem from here that having a road that is not a part of the “main road” that tourists would follow as Route 66, named Route 66 or Old Route 66, would definitely send more than a few travelers off in the wrong direction.
You’ll probably have to re-read that at least once to understand what I’m saying…it’s early, and I need coffee. 🙂
I don’t *think* it’s going to be a big problem. Route 66 is already so well-marked in Williams that I doubt it’s going to be much of a factor. And many travelers are going to be using Route 66 maps and guidebooks anyway.