First, the good news. There appeared to be a good turnout Saturday morning for the Operation Oklahoma motorcycle rally that was slated to go on old Route 66 from Tulsa to Chandler, Okla., then on to Norman, Okla. Hundreds of motorcyclists that gathered at the University of Tulsa to help escort the Dignity Memorial Vietnam Wall to Norman.
Here is footage I shot at TU before the caravan began:
The bad news is it appears the caravan bypassed Route 66 in Tulsa entirely. I waited for more than 90 minutes just a few miles west of the TU campus, near the Meadow Gold sign on 11th Street (aka Route 66). No caravan. I went back to TU to check, and the gathering was gone. I could only conclude the organizers decided to bypass Route 66 and take the freeway instead, despite numerous media reports to the contrary.
I was disappointed … not so much for myself, but for two Vietnam veterans at the Meadow Gold sign, eager to view the caravan and the replica Vietnam Memorial Wall (albeit loaded up in a semi). They waited for a long time in the hot sun to see it. They deserved better.
I was a part of the ride and we did take a part of Route 66 in Tulsa but we detoured off to take the Vietnam Memorial Bridge. There was no freeway riding as you stated. Maybe you should have checked into the actual ride path or listened to the brief before you jump to conclusions.
Oh, I certainly tried to check the path through Operation Oklahoma’s website. But the map did not — and still does not — load. And I have a high-speed DSL connection. So, if there ever was a way for the public to check the path, I’m not aware of it.
Believe me, the Vietnam Memorial Bridge isn’t and never was part of Route 66. Based on what you have just said, your group snubbed nearly five miles of Route 66 in Tulsa.
So to say the group was following Route 66 through Tulsa is wrong. Why make the claim that you’re going to follow Route 66 through Tulsa, when you obviously didn’t?
Ron-you are totally right, the path was changed repeatedly & was changed again that very morning. The website & media stated it would be Rt66. I can”t express enough how disappointed I am as well, our vietnam vets rode that run, protection was decent however quite a few intersections were not blocked resulting in two injury accidents during the run ( i am told the two bikers are road-rashed but otherwise okay.) I am so sorry for our vietnam vets who did not AGAIN recieve the recognition they’ve been long overdue. I wish the two vets could have accompanied & visited with all at TU. The reception in the towns during the run was amazing & heart wrenching as even small children were lined up holding signs ” Welcome Home Vietnam Vets”. Quite a difference from the reception 40+ yrs ago.