Market C in Oklahoma City closing tomorrow

Market C, a gourmet prepared-foods store in a converted Phillips 66 gas station along Route 66 in Oklahoma City, will cease operations Friday, reported The Oklahoman.

A group led by restaurateurs Keith and Heather Paul owned the business. It also announced the closure of their Iron Starr Urban Barbecue restaurant in town in nearby Norman, and the Pauls recently ended a management agreement with POPS on Route 66 in Arcadia, Okla.

The newspaper reported that Market C will be converted into catering showroom for the next-door Cheever’s Cafe — an excellent restaurant in a converted old-time flower shop.

The cottage-style Phillips 66 station was built in 1935, and the Pauls spent about $100,000 restoring the structure at 401 Northwest 23rd when they bought in 2008.

2 thoughts on “Market C in Oklahoma City closing tomorrow

  1. We are closing Market C because Cheever’s Catering and Events (a separate business from Cheever’s Cafe) has doubled in scope since moving into the historic building (that shared a kitchen with Market C). Excited to finally have proper space for our tirelessly dedicated staff.

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