A little housekeeping

If you noticed slow loading times this morning, it was probably because I was making changes on the site to make it more efficient. I’m anticipating a traffic surge in the coming days, and any bit of streamlining I can bring will help.

First, I’ve closed comments to Dining, Attractions, Lodging, Events and other pages. The number of spam comments  received on those pages have skyrocketed in the past week. The Akismet filter did its usual good job, but all those spammers trying to get into my site have taxed my bandwidth somewhat. So it was time to close those loopholes.

However, the pages still will be updated from time to time. If you see anything that needs to be changed on any of them, you can email me at route66news(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Second, to the suggestion of Tonya Pike, I’ve added a Google Translate button on the top of the website. This allows foreign visitors to decipher the website’s text into their native languages so they can more easily learn about Route 66.

At least count, Google Translate handles about 50 languages, so that should cover a heck of a lot of the planet. If you’re one of our foreign visitors, give it a whirl and see what you think.

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