“Cars 3,” the second sequel of the Disney-Pixar animated films that were rooted on Route 66, appears to be scheduled for a 2018 release, according to a report from Sao Paulo Disney Expo in Brazil by Pixar Brazil Blog.
A reporter at the expo May 27-28 took a few photographs of a Disney employee in front of a large screen that gives a rough schedule of films in the production line. In it, is the “Cars 3” logo near the beginning of the 2018-2019 schedule.
Walt Disney Company Brazil asked that the Pixar Brazil Blog take down the photos, which the site did. But it wasn’t before the U.S.-based Pixar Post grabbed them.
“Route 66: The Mother Road” author Michael Wallis, who was a consultant in the original “Cars” film and voiced the Sheriff of Radiator Springs, confirmed during radio interview in mid-2013 there would be a “Cars 3.” Disney CEO Bob Iger also confirmed this in March 2014.
Iger didn’t give any details about the “Cars 3” movie, but Wallis said the film that goes back to Route 66 and includes Route 99, a historically significant highway in California.
The first “Cars,” released in 2006, grossed more than $460 million worldwide. The film also spawned more than $5 billion in merchandising sales — by far the most at Pixar. “Cars 2,” released in 2011, wasn’t as well-received but still grossed more than $550 million.
“Cars” depicted the fictional Route 66 town of Radiator Springs, based on many real-life people, towns, and landmarks on Route 66.
(Hat tip to iSchoolGuide.com; image from Disney-Pixar’s “Cars 2”)