The Billy Ray’s BBQ and Catfish neon sign glowed again for the first time in years Wednesday evening after city officials threw the switch. The restaurant’s sign was the first to complete the city’s neon-sign grant program.
Here’s a video from the scene by KTUL-TV:
According to Public Radio Tulsa, the Billy Ray’s sign had been dark for about 15 years. It received a 50% grant of $2,615. The sign dates to the restaurant’s opening by late founder Billy Ray Cooper.
And that’s not going to be it, by a long shot. The Tulsa World reports Tally’s Good Food Cafe will receive the maximum $10,000 grant for a neon project that will cost $25,749.
Here are the other applicants for the neon grants going through the process:
- Bobby O’s Slices & Pies, 1502 E. 11th St.
- Buck Atom’s Cosmic Curios on 66, 1347 E. 11th St.
- Cities Service, West 17th and Southwest Boulevard
- Flo’s Burger Diner, 2604 E. 11th St.
- Interparts of Tulsa, 3615 E. 11th St.
- Renaissance Brewing Company, 1147 S. Lewis Ave.
- U.S. Studio 66, 5202 E. 11th St.
The World reported if all those applicants are accepted, there will be $129,330 in restored or newly built signs, of which grants cover $61,790.70.
The program has a total of $80,000 available. Signs eligible are those that are not less than 25% neon or LED lighting within the Route 66 overlay.
Tulsa’s Route 66 neon-sign program is attracting attention:
“We’ve had inquiries from various groups up and down the road asking how they can create a similar program in their Route 66 community,” said Rhys Martin, chairman of the Route 66 Commission. “Whenever enthusiasts talk about the resurgent interest in Route 66, they point to Tulsa as a place that’s ‘doing it right.’ ”
On top of that, the city is planning a neon-sign park on the south side of the historic 11th Street Bridge. It will consist of re-created signs from long-defunct businesses. Plus preservationists are working to add downtown to the Route 66 overlay so more sign projects become eligible.
(Screen-capture image from KTUL-TV video of the restored Billy Ray’s BBQ & Catfish sign in Tulsa)
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