The California Historic Route 66 Association is asking for letters of support — especially from international Route 66 fans — regarding its nomination for a national scenic byway between Needles and Barstow.
Lynne Miller, byway liaison for the association, sent Dries Bessels of the Dutch Route 66 Association a letter that he posted on Facebook. It states in part:
We are partnering with the Bureau of Land Management to submit a nomination for California Route 66 between Needles and Barstow to be designated as a national scenic byway. Illinois, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona already have that designation. We know that having the byway designation can help promote Route 66 tourism which is really going to take a tremendous hit because of the coronavirus.
It would be great if I could get a letter of support from you. You can be a big help by documenting the interest in Route 66 from other countries.
I have attached a letter with the background on the project and a sample template for a letter of support. It would be helpful if I could receive a letter by April 18. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you for your support.
Lynne Miller
Byway Liaison
California Historic Route 66 Association
The download Miller mentioned is here. It contains detailed instructions on how the letter should be formatted and written. Officers of non-U.S. Route 66 associations especially should take note.
Many countries, in addition to the U.S., are under lockdown or quarantine because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. As a result, many Route 66 fans abroad have time on their hands. It’s a good time to do some good with that time.
(Image of a Route 66 shield on the road near Barstow, California, by Chris Richards via Flickr)
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