A number of Route 66 businesses have announced current or imminent reopenings after being shut down for weeks during the coronavirus pandemic.
But this one, by the Jack Rabbit Trading Post near Joseph City, Arizona, is special.
Check out this live video from Monday morning by co-owner Cindy Jaquez. Keep tissues handy:
It had to have been a grim six-plus weeks with virtually no income. But the folks at the Jack Rabbit tried to keep on the sunny side with social-media posts such as this:
Even amid COVID-19, the Jack Rabbit kept its sense of humor, as evidenced by its giant fiberglass rabbit wearing a protective mask:
The old Route 66 business, off Exit 269 of Interstate 40, has inspired many travelers, including the creators of the fictional Route 66 town of Radiator Springs for the 2006 Disney-Pixar animated film “Cars.”
James Taylor built Jack Rabbit Trading Post along U.S. 66 in 1949. Glen Blansett bought the business in 1967 and passed it on to his son and daughter-in-law. They eventually sold it to their daughter and son-in-law, Cindy and Tony Jaquez.
The Jaquezes have made a bunch of improvements since, including repainting the famous “Here It Is” billboard and sprucing up the giant jackrabbit.
(Image of the “Here It Is” billboard near the Jack Rabbit Trading Post near Joseph City, Arizona, via Facebook)
Congratulations! Great news to hear that you are open!
I love the jackrabbit and I stop at the trading post every time I drive through. If they’re open, I buy some t-shirts – not because I need t-shirts, but because I want to do my part to keep them around. What’s not to like about a giant fiberglass bunny??
I will see you all in September on our Route 66 adventure!