A developer plans an elaborate transformation of the Two Guns, Arizona, site that includes a luxury campground and even a cliffside motel along Diablo Canyon.
John D. Gunderman made his plans public through an extensive website for his 2 Guns Luxury Resort. He said he’s been working on redeveloping Two Guns for about two years. Gunderman said he hatched the idea after the death of his mother in 2018 and venturing west with his wife “to clear my head and sort things out.”
He wrote on the website:
Along the way we encountered many amazing sights and locales, but one thing seemed constant throughout the journey – it was difficult to find top tier resorts and amenities catering to modern luxury motor coaches. I spent many nights in “campgrounds” that offered very little to no modern amenities demanded by today’s luxury coach owners and few, if any, additional camping accommodations. I saw an opportunity to do something different, better and at a completely different level than anything that we encountered. When we returned home I knew that this was an opportunity for me to turn my passion for this lifestyle into a business and career opportunity, so I embarked on an amazing journey of discovery.
Reached by email last week, Gunderman wrote:
At this time we really do not want to share any information more than the website because we are working through the purchase of the land and want to have everything in order before we make everything public, we hope you will understand and respect our wishes. I promise you we will keep you posted as we move forward. When we have the green light we would love to have your help and support to spread the word. I will share this much with you, we plan on honoring the History of Two Guns and building on Route 66.
According to the Realtor.com website listing for the Two Guns site, the deal is pending. The 232-acre site was listed for $3.9 million.
Two Guns contains a long-abandoned campground on the south side of the site, along with an equally abandoned zoo on the north side, famous for its “Mountain Lions” sign painted on the stone ruins.
Gunderman’s redevelopment of Two Guns would require many millions of dollars, for reasons that will become clear.
The website lists a bunch of “glamping” accommodations. “Glamping” is a term that combines “glamor” and “camping.” Two Guns plans a Tipi Village, timber-wall tents, Conestoga wagons, equestrian camping, treehouses, bungalows and yurts for overnight stays.

The RV park would include standard and deluxe pull-in sites, along with vintage Airstream trailers for rent.

Part of the plans is for a Family Reunion Lodge and the nearby Hotel at Rimrock, the latter which clearly in artist’s renderings sits on the edge of Diablo Canyon.
Two Guns also plans a huge water park, a Smoke Signal miniature golf course and a Gunslinger Shooting Gallery.
The website contains a bunch of events scheduled for certain days, including Diablo Canyon tours, interfaith church services, blacksmith workshops, roping classes, homemade ice cream, drive-in movies, a history of Two Guns tour, light shows, Native American dancers and branding demonstrations.
Gunderman stated on the website he’s collaborated with Jason Olson of Conestoga Wagon Co., Nomadic Tipi Makers, Pacific Yurts, real-estate agent Marty Ryan, RV park architect Zachary Stoltenberg, RV park consultant and appraiser Shari L. Heilala and partners Dan and Kathy Gordon on the project. He said he’s still looking for one more “angel” investor.
As I said, this is elaborate. If it comes to fruition, it would be one of the biggest developments on Route 66 in years … or it would be one of its biggest boondoggles. Stay tuned.
(Hat tip to Terry Beck; images via the 2 Guns Luxury Resort website)
Don’t mess with Two Guns, it’s perfect. The curse will get you if you try to commercialize it. KOA didn’t make it. Graffiti artists enjoy painting the unsightly remains of their investments. There is not another place on 66 that provides the experience of walking among the ruins. A short time researching it on the internet provides much fascinating history.
Personally I think it’s a great idea and I think it’ll become a destination and bring more attention to Route 66 and that area. Looking over their website it’s a place I’d stay at and I have a hunch this is close to being a done deal. It’s definitely an ambitious project.
Wow, what a spectacularly awful idea. I will be there in 20 years painting graffiti on the ruins.
Would someone please save Twin Arrows before it’s too late?
It sounds great but unrealistic economically. The project would be doomed from the beginning.
So, I’m wondering: What are the plans for the historic buildings at the Two Guns site? Does the developer plan to preserve them? How does he plan to protect the buildings from accelerated damage caused by increased human traffic? And how to protect people from the possibility of falling stone? Two Guns is rather a remote place for such a large project. If I were the owner of a large recreational vehicle, would I really want to overnight in a place that’s 30 minutes from a hospital in either directions, etc., etc. I’m skeptical that this could ever pay off.
I am native american. And to destroy a place like two guns is like taking away my family’s heritage. It makes me sick to know you all ready took every thing else we own. Why would you take away more of our land?