The Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership announced this week it is soliciting letters of interest from qualified
professionals to develop a Historic Preservation Toolkit for Route 66 communities and property owners.
Funding for the toolkit comes from the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership’s general fund.
From a news release by the partnership:
As the Route 66 community looks forward to the highway’s centennial in 2026, the Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership is especially focused on encouraging its many partners to help maintain and sustain cultural and historic properties along the Route 66 corridor through Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.
Development of the “Historic Preservation Toolkit for Route 66 Communities and Property Owners” is an important step designed to increase the success of a wide range of preservation initiatives.
Once completed, the toolkit will be made available on the Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership’s website and other social media channels. Toolkit users are expected to include community members, local government officials, and current and prospective owners of historic Route 66 buildings, structures, and sites. The toolkit will be instructional in nature and designed for persons with limited or no experience in historic preservation. […]
Interested parties are asked to electronically submit a Letter of Interest by 5:00 pm [Central], Friday, April 30, 2021. Questions regarding the project and Letters of Interest should be directed to: Bill Thomas, Chairman – Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership – rt66theroadahead@gmail.com.
More details about submitting letters of intent can be found on the partnership’s resources page.
(Image of a Route 66 shield on the road in Adrian, Texas, by Thomas Hawk via Flickr)