The Bristow (Oklahoma) Historical Society has compiled a wish list of landmarks along or near Route 66 it wants to beautify and restore, including the Chrysler Plymouth tower.
According to the Sapulpa Times, the society has placed these landmarks on the renovation list before Route 66’s centennial in 2026:
- The 100-foot-tall Chrysler Plymouth tower just south of Route 66 that once was part of Beard Motor Co. until the owner died in the plane crash in 1959. The society wants to relight the sign for the first time in decades.
- The Bristow Train Depot, built in 1923 and still used until the 1970s. The depot’s interior is renovated, but the structure needs work, new paint and repairs to its curbs.
- The 1929 Frisco water tower, which is only one of two in existence. The dry and rusty tower will receive a new coat of paint, including redoing the Frisco logo.
- The Town Square, which has a leaky roof and requires other repairs. It’s often used for farmers’ markets and live music. It also will house a life-size “Eagle Catcher” sculpture, which was donated to the city.
The historical society has asked for federal American Rescue Plan Act coronavirus relief funds from the county, and also is fund-raising for this multitiered effort.
Donations to the society can be mailed to P.O. Box 1224, Bristow OK, 74010.
The society also has set up a GoFundMe.com page:
(Image of the Chrysler Plymouth Tower in Bristow, Oklahoma, via the Bristow Historical Society)
That sign is great! Look for it at 9th. Av. There is also a nice garage building.
Fred from The Netherlands
We’re doing it, and making this restoration happen! Doug Cataline and Matt Hindi, Owners/Operators of the Southern Plains Mopaar Fest ironically met a man walking down the street in April of 2022. In search of this tower of towers. The man, Jim Davis who just so happened to be the Bristow Historical Society President pointed Doug to the tower and Doug was the first to say, “Jim, we want to do an All Mopar Show at your tower”, and Jim replied, “we’d love for you too!!! With that said, the 3rd Southern Plains Mopaar Fest event was held in Bristow to help relocated, restore and relight this magnificent CHRYSLER TOWER OF POWER!!! Follow this event at southernplainsmopaarfest.com and click this link https://www.fundraisingbrick.com/online-orders/bristowhistory/ to buy a brick and get this tower relit again!! 10-12 May 2024, SOUTHERN PLAINS MOPAAR FEST IV