Master gardeners will re-create Col A.T. Nelson’s flower gardens at the restored Camp Joy cabin at Boswell Park in Lebanon, Missouri.
When he operated the Top o’ the Ozarks Inn and, later, the Nelson Tavern (aka Nelson Hotel) and Nelson’s Dream Village in Lebanon, Nelson lined flowers along the paths near Route 66.
Gary Sosniecki of the Lebanon-Laclede County Route 66 Society posted some details about the initiative by Laclede County Master Gardeners:
“We’re going to try to give a hint of what the Nelsons had,” said Ron Atteberry, whose team of four Master Gardeners will undertake the project. “We’re going to try to recreate some of the flowers that people would have seen when they drove on Route 66.” […]
Atteberry explained that the first bulbs will be planted at the crook of the sidewalk that leads to the cabin. “The plan is ultimately to have both sides landscaped with flowers.” Master Gardeners will maintain the plantings in the future.
Blocks of tulips, jonquils and early bloomers like peonies are among those planned. He said the Master Gardeners want types of flowers that will bloom in the spring and also those that will retain color in the summer.
The Nelson gardens “had lots of jonquils, irises and tulips, and we want to help recreate that color,” Atteberry said.
The first bulbs will be planted this fall on a sidewalk leading to and the front of the Camp Joy cabin, which was moved to the park and dedicated in 2019. Boswell Park is just from Route 66 where Nelson owned his properties.
The gardeners said it may take two years to complete the beautification project.
(Postcard image of flowers leading to the Nelson Hotel in Lebanon, Missouri, courtesy of