Jax Welborn’s Route 66 Community Art Gallery, Get Your Pics on Route 66 shop and Pics by Jax Studio in Waynesville, Missouri, will close on Oct. 9 after she unexpectedly was served an eviction notice Monday from her landlord.
It feels like the sudden death of a loved one,” Welborn said on a Facebook post. “I receive this at 4PM on Monday October 3rd, 2022 with no reason as to why. No phone call, no visit, nothing. … I have no idea if my businesses will survive this blow.”
She said she had been renting the space for 15 years.
A photo of the eviction notice she received states she must vacate the premises at 107 U.S. Route 66 by Nov. 1.
Her counseling service also rents space in the building.
Welborn has been a staunch supporter of Route 66 for years, including being one of the key individuals trying to save the endangered Gasconade River Bridge. Let’s hope she resurfaces quickly in a good location.
(Image of Route 66 Community Art Gallery in Waynesville, Missouri, by Kimberly Bertel via Facebook)