The Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program recently announced it has opened its cost-share grant application season for 2023.
According to the Oklahoma Route 66 Association, this year’s grant funding total is $120,000, with a $30,000 maximum.
Eligible grant opportunities include preservation planning, National Register of Historic Places nominations, preservation and rehabilitation work on eligible historic sites, and research and educational outreach programs.
The application period remains open through April 14, and winners likely will be notified by mid-May. More details are here. Program manager Kaisa Barthuli can be reached by emailing kaisa_barthuli@nps.gov or calling 505-988-6701.
Since 2001, the Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program has awarded 169 projects a total of $2.55 million, with $3.98 million in cost-share matches, totaling $6.53 million in public-private investment toward the revitalization and commemoration of Route 66.
(Image of Route 66 shield in California by Randy Heinitz via Flickr)