McLean Village Board votes to tear down water tower despite pleas from preservationists

The village board of McLean, Illinois, voted 4-2 last week to tear down its historic water tower, despite pleas from preservationists that included members of the Illinois Route 66 Association.

The old water tower was built in 1935. It was decommissioned in 2017 after a new water tower was built.

Those who voted for the teardown cited maintenance costs and liability concerns, reported WMBD-TV in Peoria.

Civil engineer Steve Swift, however, told the board the tower is sound and can stand another 50 years.

The Community Organization for Revitalization and Expansion or CORE of McLean has been fighting to keep the original structure.

During public comment, representatives for CORE of McLean said the nonprofit has been working for several years on a plan to revitalize the water tower. During the meeting, it was brought up by board member Jeff Van Dyke and confirmed by board attorney Mark McGrath that because CORE of McLean is a nonprofit, the village had the option to gift the water tower to the organization.

“The village voted 4-to-2 to spend almost $34,000 of public funds to take down something that is structurally sound and we’re offering to use our own raised funds and any grants we can get access to to turn it into a tourist attraction and use money for that purpose to spend on it,” said Vice-President Jeff Hake.

Members from the Route 66 Association of Illinois were also present and shared a list of 102 possible grants for CORE of McLean. Resident Ivy Craig presented the board with a petition that had 127 signatures to keep the tower. She said it was more signatures than people who voted in the town’s last election.

Preservationists were hoping to have the tower designated as a historical landmark, noting the approaching 100th anniversary of Route 66 in 2026.

One obvious idea — I’m not sure whether CORE brought this up or not — was to paint a Route 66 shield or something related onto the water tower. The City of Amarillo did it to one of its water towers to great fanfare.

(Image of the water tower in McLean, Illinois, via CORE of McLean on Facebook)

4 thoughts on “McLean Village Board votes to tear down water tower despite pleas from preservationists

  1. It would be interesting to know why they want it down despite opposition and the cost. If they think it’s an eyesore, then they should look around their town and use the money to spruce up some of the shabbiness. You can only tear it down once and I don’t see why they would go to these costs while irritating voters. We are missing part of the whole picture and when something doesn’t make sense, there is a good chance a self interest in being served. I like the look and history of old structures but am all for progress when it is practical. I can’t see where leaving it standing has anything but positive results unless a good reason is giving for using taxes just to have it gone. McLean doesn’t seem the type town to have money to burn. If I had a big rock in the corner of my yard that was out of the way and the family likes the look, why would I spend the family budget to remove it?

  2. Ah heck, why save the old tower? Route 66 tourists will want to stop and see the new tower instead. Right?

    Where that eye-roll emoji when I need it.

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