Blue Hole in Santa Rosa to reopen on Aug. 30 for scuba and free diving

The landmark Blue Hole in Santa Rosa, New Mexico, will reopen on Aug. 30 for scuba diving and free diving after an underwater wall collapse prompted its closing for weeks.

The City of Santa Rosa on Monday announced on Facebook the forthcoming reopening of diving at the site.

The Blue Hole reopened to swimmers on Aug. 2.

The Blue Hole, a spring-fed pool more than 80 feet deep that stays at 61 degrees year-round, closed on June 17 for safety reasons when a huge boulder broke off on the west underwater wall.

The city sent inspectors from The Scuba Co. in Albuquerque to dive to the bottom and inspect rocks and walls every five feet to the surface.

Not only is the Blue Hole popular with visitors on hot New Mexico summer days, but its depth makes it ideal for training scuba divers.

The Blue Hole’s closing negatively affected the local economy. Christina Campos, owner of Joseph’s Bar & Grill in Santa Rosa, told the Albuquerque Journal that business at the restaurant had dropped 17% since the shutdown.

Many Route 66 travelers consider the Blue Hole a short side trip. But it is on the original alignment of Route 66 before the highway was realigned.

(Image of the Blue Hole of Santa Rosa, New Mexico, in 2009 by Jayjay P via Flickr)

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