Arizona Route 66 Association gives $25,000 grant for Hotel Beale facade improvements

The Historic Route 66 Association of Arizona recently awarded a $25,000 grant for facade improvements to the closed Hotel Beale, a landmark in Kingman, Arizona.

Sarah Ferry, president of Kingman Main Street, stated in an email that her organization hired historical architect Bill Otwell and Johnny Stewart of Michael Taylor Architects in Prescott, Arizona, on the project.

Ferry said the architects are using this old photograph of Hotel Beale to base the facade restoration.

“We will be fundraising and seeking grants for the construction and restoration of the facade,” she wrote.

“It’s our bonus dream to light the neon lights again, on top of the hotel!!!” Ferry added.

She said the timeline of the facade project will be known later.

Henderson Investments LLC owns Hotel Beale, and it is working in partnership with Kingman Main Street on the project.

William Harvey Hubbs built Hotel Beale in downtown Kingman in 1898. In 1906, Thomas Devine, father of actor Andy Devine, acquired the hotel.

Devine remodeled it in 1916. He then built a three-story addition at the rear and a modern facade a year later.

Hotel Beale has been closed since 2012.

(Image in 2009 of Hotel Beale in Kingman, Arizona, by teofilo via Flickr)

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