Casa Grande Hotel building in Elk City finally seeing some upgrades

The historic but long-closed Casa Grande Hotel building in Elk City, Oklahoma, appears to be seeing some improvements after years of standing idle.

The Oklahoma Route 66 Association had the scoop:

“The plan is to first secure the building by replacing the upper story windows on three sides,” said Don Mullenix, local preservationist.

After that, the plan is to put new coverings on the north-facing windows, replace fire escape doors, and move on to ground-level work. More work is planned in future phases, such as creating a welcome center and renovating the commercial areas, including the spot that housed a geology and oil/gas museum in the 1990s.

The former restaurant space and hotel room renovation isn’t part of the work plan…yet, anyway. Don said it didn’t make financial sense at this time due to the expense.

“But, if someone wants to partner with us and can present a viable business plan, we are willing to listen.”

The Casa Grande Motel has a Facebook group for anyone wanting to stay abreast of future developments. Photos of the window replacements recently were posted there.

The hotel made Preservation Oklahoma’s annual Most Endangered Places list in 2022.

The Oklahoma City architectural firm Hawk & Parr designed the four-story, Spanish Eclectic style hotel. It opened in 1928 — shortly after U.S. 66 was commissioned.

It was considered the only high-rise hotel between Oklahoma City and Amarillo.

Casa Grande served as the site of the 1931 U.S. “66” Association’s National Convention. It most recently served as a home for the Anadarko Basin Historical Museum.

It was designated to the National Register of Historic Places in 1995.

(Image of the Casa Grande Hotel in Elk City, Oklahoma, in 2022 by Chantry Banks of Preservation Oklahoma)

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