Neon sign lighting ceremony for Western Motel in Vinita set for April 12

The owners of the Western Motel along Route 66 in Vinita, Oklahoma, announce a lighting ceremony for its new neon sign.

The new sign will be unveiled at 7 p.m. on April 12. The event will include live music, food and more.

The Western Motel last fall received a neon-sign grant through the Oklahoma Route 66 Association and the Route 66 Centennial Commission.

The motel currently has a backlit sign (above) that will be retired.

More here from the motel’s Facebook account:

The motel stands at 437866 E. Highway 60, about two miles west of Vinita, next to the landmark Hi-Way Cafe restaurant.

(Image of the current Western Motel neon sign via Facebook)

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