“Hispanic Legacies of Route 66 in New Mexico” webpage given an award for excellence

The “Hispanic Legacies of Route 66 in New Mexico” webpage recently received the 2022 Stanton-Horton Award for Excellence in National Park Service History from the Organization of American Historians. The StoryMap webpage, of which the Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program was a prominent partner, combines photos, video and other interactive elements. The Organization of American … Continue reading “Hispanic Legacies of Route 66 in New Mexico” webpage given an award for excellence

New “History of Route 66” is available online

The Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership recently announced “a new, more accurate” history of Route 66 has been published by Oxford University Press’ Research Encyclopedia on American History. The work was a collaboration between members of Route 66 Road Ahead’s Research and Education working group, Dr. David Dunaway and Dr. Stephen Mandrogoc of the University … Continue reading New “History of Route 66” is available online