What’s the importance of Route 66 Historic Trail legislation?

Hemmings Motor News published a valuable story with the headline “What’s behind the push to designate Route 66 a National Historic Trail?” that provides a lot of background behind the initiative. It appears the story was prompted by Mobil 1’s current “Keep Route 66 Kickin'” tour, which includes an online petition to support a national-trail … Continue reading What’s the importance of Route 66 Historic Trail legislation?

New kiosk added to Camp Cajon monument site in southern California

A new informational kiosk recently was added to the Camp Cajon monument site near Phelan, California, that describes the major highways and roads that passed by the long-defunct rest area. Here’s a look at the kiosk from the camp’s Facebook account: Camp Cajon’s champions about a year ago installed a century-old, concrete picnic table at … Continue reading New kiosk added to Camp Cajon monument site in southern California

Restoration of West Winds Motel sign in Erick among Oklahoma Route 66 Commission grants

The restoration of the neon sign for the closed West Winds Motel in Erick, Oklahoma, is among the $6 million in grants recently awarded by the Oklahoma Route 66 Commission. A list of the funds given from the state’s Route 66 Revitalization Grant Program was posted in a document on the commission’s website. Several grant … Continue reading Restoration of West Winds Motel sign in Erick among Oklahoma Route 66 Commission grants

New signs on Old Route 66 near Arcadia commemorate National Register designation

Last month, Oklahoma County erected signs that marked a semi-obscure section of historic Route 66 roadbed near Arcadia, Oklahoma, and commemorated its designation to the National Register of Historic Places. Shellee Graham, who lives on the road with her husband, Route 66 researcher Jim Ross, posted a series of photos of the sign being installed: … Continue reading New signs on Old Route 66 near Arcadia commemorate National Register designation

Part of Route 66 in California designated a scenic route

Route 66 from Oro Grande, Calif., to the Arizona state line near Needles was designated a scenic route by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, according to a report today by The Sun Runner magazine. The county made the move at the urging of 1st District Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt. According to the report: “Route 66 … Continue reading Part of Route 66 in California designated a scenic route

Several Scenic Byways grants go to Route 66

About 125 grants from the National Scenic Byways Program were announced Thursday, with several of them going to Route 66 projects. The following is a Route 66-related list of the grant award, where it’s going, and a description from the Federal Highway Administration of its purpose: — $267,038, Kingman, Ariz., Historic Route 66 Kingman Pedestrian Crossing … Continue reading Several Scenic Byways grants go to Route 66