The historic Aztec Hotel along Route 66 in Monrovia, Calif., is being foreclosed and will go on sale later this month for an asking price of $2.4 million, according to the Monrovia Patch.
The hotel is currently being run by HTL Hotel Management and a sale by the appointed trustee, Stewart Default Services, is set to be held at the Pomona Superior Courts Building on May 16 at 10:30 a.m.
Chester Reed and Chris Ott of HTL are managing the building until a new buyer purchases the property. Currently, about half of the 44 rooms are either rented to tenants or available to overnight guests.
“We do pretty much everything we can to maintain the building and clean up what’s here,” Ott said. “We’re trying to rebuild the reputation of the hotel.”
According to the Patch, owner Kathryn Reece defaulted on the mortgage payments, and HTL took over after the foreclosure in January.
The hotel, which was built during the 1920s with its distinctive Mayan-like architecture, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. With a foreclosure sale looming, the building’s fate remains cloudy.
This is probably the second-most recognizable landmark along 66 in LA County. Maybe the first. This is indeed a sad day for 66’ers everywhere. Hopefully another loving person or group can come in and continue the work that Kathie started.