Bloggers tell of Route 66 experiences

First off, author Susan A. Palmer spent some time on Route 66 in California’s Mojave Desert, including Barstow and a visit to the Route 66 Mother Road museum. The details of her trip can be found here. Susan also has posted plenty of other nice photos from her trip here (warning: the photos on each link are big; broadband connection is recommended to view them).

Secondly, John Schroeder of Blogotional tells about his recent trip to Holbrook, Ariz., where he visited the Wigwam Motel and the Petrified Forest National Park.

Schroeder needs to clarify something about the Wigwam, however:

The motel has been repainted and externally restored and had these vintage cars parked in the lot. It’s mostly an art project now, just there for you to take picture of, but it’s cool.

This implies that the Wigwam is closed. Actually, the Wigwam remains an operating motel. It’s usually closed until about 4 p.m., but it takes reservations. I’ve stayed there, and I recommend it. 

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