Tour de Route 66

Here's an item from lifestyles columnist Alan Peppard of the Dallas Morning News:

For former Grand Prix of Dallas executive director Buddy Boren, the 1994 discovery of 30 tumors in his body was the crucible that moved him from the speedway to the slow lane.

Since 2000, he has been making long-distance bicycle rides to celebrate his survival and raise money for cancer research.

July 8, he'll leave Chicago on his bike, retracing the old Route 66 to LA.

"Everyone says, 'Oh, how fun,' when I tell them about Route 66," Buddy says. "Fun would be doing it in a 1966 Corvette. My rides are never fun. But getting my message out to people with cancer to 'Never give up hope, survival is possible,' makes every step of the way a joy."

Here's Boren's Web site, which gives more details about his upcoming Tour de Route 66.

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