Someone has posted the third installment of Japanese television’s “Yamashita Tomohisa Route 66,” which chronicles a singer and actor’s trip down the Mother Road last fall.
It’s in four parts. Again, language may be an issue, but you probably can still follow it.
This is fascinating and fun to watch. Reactions reveal a lot, but do wish I could understand the commentary, particularly as he’s driving along. Do you have any idea who Franky Lily is and is that a decorated set for those segments or someone’s real 66 collection in the background? Thanks, Ron, for posting these links.
Lily Franky, a illustrater, writer and actor, is known as a friend of Yamashita. They met at the Japanese serial drama “Code Blue”, in which Yamashita acted a young surgeon and Lily was his father.
Hi Susan, glad you’re finding the show to be interesting:) He has fans who have been subbing the episodes in English on a regular basis. You can find the subbed episodes on this site: (up to episode 5). But it’s not streaming, you’d have to download since the fansubbers are very particular about their subs being put on streaming sites. Enjoy!