Blue Cut blues

This has been previously reported. But this story from the San Bernardino County Sun reiterates that the Blue Cut portion of Cajon Pass in California, aka Route 66, has become more of a target of law enforcement because of anonymous sex cruisers and other illicit activity.

Blue Cut also attracts train aficionados, geologists and Route 66 researchers. But it has a dark side, too. A few months ago, the body of a serial killer’s victim was there, too. Local residents are getting wary and tired of it, and the local cops are finally doing something about it instead of mostly looking the other way.

8 thoughts on “Blue Cut blues

  1. I grew up there. In the Pass I mean. Right near the Cleghorn exit. There was a Santa Fe railroad section house, where we lived. This was in the 50’s. This was the era! And what I am writing about. My life story and this is just part of it. What about the diner and motel that was between the exit and San Bernardino? Anyone? This was big if I remember…celebrities on their way to and from Vegas stopped there.

  2. I was recently attacked by four men there, i did call the sheriffs and did make a report, i was there to do some hiking and take some photo’s, which i did get, lots of trash by those streams, unlike when we all went there to camp out on the 70″s, these men thought i was a faggot, did not know i was a women, that now will carry a gun, loaded at all times,yes i was lucky and got away,with one of their’s blood all over the side of my van, no the police did not take the DNA, if i was found dead, i’m sure they would have, anyhow those people in the bushes, with the fancy cars need to go get a room, not everyone wants to see their sickness, on the side of a public rd, families with childred would like to enjoy the streams also, and i do have an adventure pass which pays for those restrooms at lost lake to have locks on the restrooms, hello, and have those arrested at blue cut, come out on the weekends and do trash clean-up, that will make a difference.

  3. Hi!
    I’ve been looking to buy a slide or picture for my dad that I can make into a poster. He is retired from Electro Motive in LaGrange Illinois. His favorites are Burlington Northern./Santa Fe. We’re looking for a “died and went to heaven” train pictures with that type of train in between the years of 60’s – late 80’s. Out west, Mountains, blue sky, puffy clouds, valleys, river…The whole 9 yards. You have lovely pictures from blue rock and Cajon. I was wondering if you had more or maybe Maria’s Pass? If you have anything like that could I maybe buy it or them from you????????

    Thanks for any help you can give me. I’ve been trying for a couple years now to find the perfect picture for him. He’s the best guy in the world and I would love to get this for him. Hope you can help!

    Tracy Faulk

  4. I’m a Route 66 fan and I stopped here to pick up some of the blue-gray rock that gives the area it’s name. It quickly became obvious that this was a gay hook up area so I got my rock and split. It’s a shame, what ever happened to picking up people in bars?

  5. Hey guys check out this new website In memory all the celebrities that died it’s got videos and stuff really nice!

  6. My son and I recently went to blue cut to do some metal detecting. It was a trash heap! Junk lined the river. I got a really bad feeling about leaving my dually in under the trees because there were so many people who seemed to be trolling. You know that funny feeling you get about an area, and just can;t place it?

    Someone had placed a sign leading into the rest stop saying “Welcome to Pickle Creek”

    After reading these posts, I get why now.

  7. I admit that I have gone ‘cruising’ at the Blue Cut more that a few times in the late ’90s early “00s and for the most part I always had fun there and met a few friends that I’m still in touch with, but the very last time was when I wandered into the bushes and found this guy lying on the ground in a small clearing with an empty bottle of liquor in one hand and his pants and shorts down to his ankles with a note next to him that said “Out cold–enjoy yourself”(!?!) I was convinced that he was a police decoy, especially since I also saw a man nearby looking at me very suspiciously. I left immediately and never went back. I could have been wrong but the increased police presence I heard about was enough to scare me into using safer methods of hooking up like Grindr and Skype.

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